Woody and Falkenbach
110 West Front Street
Media, PA 19063
Phone: 610.566.8770
Fax: 610.566.5168
Email: dwoody4353@aol.com
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What is school law?
School Law
School law is a very broad term that covers all issues encountered by a parent or child during the child's education, including special education issues. Please see our Special Education Law section to address special education questions. By way of example, school law covers truancy issues (for both student and the parent), discipline hearings, such as an expulsion hearing, and issues implicating a student's freedom of speech or religion.
School law also includes employment disputes between a teacher and the local school district arising out of a contractual issue, discrimination in the workplace, or a union grievance. Be advised however, that a teacher should always check with his or her union representative prior to obtaining private counsel.
The wide umbrella of school law even includes local homeowners challenging the assessed value of their real property as it relates to the obligation to their property taxes. Our firm can represent you during your real estate tax assessment appeal.
110 West Front Street, Media, PA 19063
PH: 610.566.8770
FAX: 610.566.5168
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